Monday, September 6, 2010

who am I?

Hey my name is Justin and I'm 22 years of age.  This is my first semester at the U of M.  Sense high school ended I found myself working at Snowbowl and turning into a full blown snow bum!  Also I focus a lot of my energy on playing guitar for a local band called The Lion The Tamer.  We can't wait for spring break, were going to be on our second tour as a band!  Other than that I really enjoy riding my bike and trying to keep healthy.

Over the last couple years finding time to read has been tough but I managed to finish a couple books that were very enjoyable.  Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk was definitely one of my favorites. My favorite writer is Charles Bukowski though! No matter my mood reading Bukowski would by my number one choice.  This class seems like my cup of tea! Gosh... I really hate cleches.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Justin. Thanks for getting up to speed so quickly. I look forward to having you in my class. The more tattoos we can pack into one room, the better, I feel. Bukowski is the greatest! A lot of my writer friends think he's a hack but I maintain they're just jealous.

    I hate cleches too! I assume you mean cliches. I don't know how to put the accent on it.
