Friday, September 10, 2010


Organic foods contain an average of 50% more vitamins, nutrients and minerals than non organic foods.  When you eat an apple from a farm that uses over 30 chemicals to grow that apple you are not only eating the apple but all 30 chemicals used to grow it too. This means you have to jeopardize your health by consuming more fruit with more chemicals just to get your daily nutrients. 

Produce is one thing but meat is a whole different world. Cows and chickens that are not organically raised are pumped full of anti-biotics and hormones to make them grow fast and stay "healthy" until the slaughter.     Cows are vegetarian animals but to save money the big meat producers are now feeding them ground up parts of other cows.  This can cause mad cow disease in the cows themselves which is then eaten by humans... I think you get the point.

Most people just don't care where it came from or even how but I think that shows ignorance and a lack of care for your body and health.  So, just think twice before you eat a "chicken nugget" because chances are it's hardly chicken.

1 comment:

  1. There's a lot a lot a lot to say on the topic of organic: how do we define what is organic, what are the costs of organic versus non organic, how do we market organic, and on and on. This is a sufficient glossing for a short blog post. well done.
